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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Gudi Padwa Special

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Balloon Game for ladies

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Police Officer Dance

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When You're At A Boring Party

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West Indies Player Dance For Indian Songs

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Hindi Dialog In Bollywood Film

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Hrithik Roshan Might Get

Hrithik Roshan Might Get A Clean Chit As Cops Find Kangana Ranaut's Behaviour Suspicious!

Kangana Ranaut

Looks like the Hrithik-Kangana debacle might soon get over, but Hrithik might get the last laugh. It was Hrithik who had first filed a lawsuit against Kangana and she too in response had filed another one against him. And what followed next was the worst break up battles Bollywood had ever seen! 
But now it seems we'll soon see the end of this entire episode, but there seems to be a bad news for Kangana's fans. 

Cops find Kangana's behaviour suspicious while Hrithik has been very cooperative

According to the latest reports, one of Mumbai's top Police officers has revealed why Hrithik is less likely to be the culprit here. According to the report, the cops are questioning Kangana's credibility due to her reluctance to co-operate. Reportedly, the actress has refused to hand over her laptop to the cops saying her computer had a virus and everything got deleted! Hrithik, on the other hand, has been obligingly co-operating with the cops.
Hrithik Roshan

While emails from Kangana have been received on Hrithik's ID, no message or text has been sent by Hrithik to her.

The report further stated that hundreds of emails from Kangana have been received on Hrithik's ID, but investigations have proved that not a single message or text has ever been sent by Hrithik in the past three years. The cop further questioned as to why Hrithik or Kangana were never spotted by the paparazzi spending time or outside each others' apartments, if they, in fact were dating.
The fact that Ranaut is refusing to believe that it was an imposter communicating with her and is adamant on proving Hrithik is the villain, is also working against her, the report stated. The source informed that the emails that were sent to the actress weren't even sent from India, but from US and held that Kangana should be more "worried about communicating with the imposter," especially since she has sent pictures and videos to him which can be leaked. The officer then quipped that anyone in Kangana's shoes would have submitted her laptop for a thorough investigation.
Well, let's see how this one ends!

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Amitabh Bachchan's Epic Take Down Of Andrew Flintoff Shows Why He Remains The Real Shahenshah

Amitabh Bachchan's Epic Take Down Of Andrew Flintoff Shows Why He Remains The Real Shahenshah

We don't call Amitabh Bachchan, the shahenshah for no reason! Well, he knows his way and how. In yet another hilarious exchange of tweets, Big B has trolled Andrew Flintoff in an epic comeback. So while cricket fans and celebrities indulged in plenty of banter after West Indies beat England in the ICC World Twenty20 final, Bachchan senior played a classic game. The Bollywood superstar's duel with former England all-rounder Flintoff grabbed most attention.

So it all began when Flintoff passed some comments over Virat Kohli's performance against Australia when he smashed 82 from 51 balls. And out of the many Team India fans, Mr. Bachchan came out and replied to him.

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श्रीमंत नवरा शोधणाऱ्या मुलीला मुकेश अंबानींचं उत्तर

श्रीमंत नवरा शोधणाऱ्या मुलीला मुकेश अंबानींचं उत्तर

मुंबई : लग्न करताना मुलगा श्रीमंत हवा अशी काही मुलींची अपेक्षा असते. पण, श्रीमंत म्हणजे नक्की किती हे कसं ठरवणार? अशाच एका तरुणीने लग्न करण्यासाठी मुलगा शोधायला सुरुवात केली.

वार्षिक उत्पन्न १०० कोटी असणाऱ्या मुलाशीच लग्न करण्याचा तिने चंग बांधला. अशा मुलाच्या शोधासाठी तिने एक पत्र लिहिलं. ज्याला मुकेश अंबानींनी उत्तर दिलं, असं म्हटलं जातंय.

हे पत्र खरंच मुकेश अंबानींनी लिहिलंय का, याची आम्ही खातरजमा केलेली नाही. मात्र, सोशल मीडियावर इंग्रजीत व्हायरल होणारं पत्र मराठीत आणण्याचा आम्ही प्रयत्न केला आहे.

मुकेश अंबानींना तरूणीने लिहिलेलं पत्र
एका श्रीमंत माणसाशी लग्न करण्यासाठी मी काय करू?
मी इथे जे काही सांगणारे ते अगदी प्रामाणिकपणे सांगणार आहे.
माझं वय २५ वर्ष आहे. मी खूप सुंदर आहे, माझी स्टाईलही चांगली आहे आणि आवडसुद्धा छान आहे. मला अशा व्यक्तीशी लग्न करायचंय ज्याचा वार्षिक पगार १०० कोटी रुपयांपेक्षा जास्त आहे.
तुम्ही म्हणाल मी हावरट आहे, पण आजकालच्या जमान्यात २ कोटी वार्षिक उत्पन्न म्हणजे सामान्य समजलं जातं.
माझ्या गरजा जास्त नाहीत. इथे कोणी अशी व्यक्ती आहे का?, ज्या व्यक्तीचं वार्षिक उत्पन्न १०० कोटी आहे? की सर्वांचं आधीच लग्न झालंय?
मी आतापर्यंत ज्यांना डेट केलंय, त्यांच्यापैकी सर्वाधिक कमावणाऱ्या व्यक्तीचे कमाल उत्पन्न ५० कोटी होतं. पण, न्यू यॉर्कमधील सिटी गार्डनच्या पश्चिमेकडच्या भागात जर कोणी राहायला जाणार असेल तर ५० कोटी रुपये उत्पन्न म्हणजे काही जास्त नाही.
म्हणून मला काही प्रश्न आहेत.
१. श्रीमंत व्यक्ती कुठे भटकायला जातात? (त्या जागांची नावं, बारचा पत्ता किंवा जिमच्या नावांची यादी द्या.)
२. मी कोणत्या गटातील व्यक्तींवर माझं लक्ष केंद्रीत करावं?
३. श्रीमंत लोकांच्या पत्नी अगदी सामान्य का दिसतात? मी अशा काही मुंलींना भेटलीये ज्या अगदीच सामान्य दिसतात, त्या इंटरेस्टिंगही वाटत नाहीत. पण, तरी त्यांचा नवरा मात्र फार श्रीमंत आहे.
४. तुमची पत्नी कोण असेल आणि तुमची प्रेयसी कोण असेल याचा निर्णय तुम्ही कशाच्या आधारावर घेता? (मला आता लग्न करायचंय.)
- कुमारी पूजा चौहान
मुकेश अंबानींनी दिलेलं कथित उत्तर
प्रिय पूजा,
मी तू लिहिलेली पोस्ट खूप उत्सुकतेने वाचली. मला वाटतं अशा अनेक मुली असतील ज्यांची ही इच्छा असेल आणि त्यांच्याकडेही असेच प्रश्न असतील. एक गुंतवणूकदार म्हणून मला तुझ्या प्रश्नांचं विश्लेषण करु दे.
माझं वार्षिक उत्पन्न १०० कोटींपेक्षा जास्त आहे, जे तुझ्या अपेक्षा पूर्ण करतं. त्यामुळे मी आशा करतो की, हे उत्तर लिहिण्यात मी माझा वेळ वाया घालवतोय असं कोणाला वाटणार नाही.
एका व्यावसायिकाच्या दृष्टीकोनातून विचार करायचा झाला, तर तुझ्याशी लग्न करणं हा एक वाईट निर्णय ठरेल. याचं उत्तर अगदी सोपं आहे. ते मी तुला सांगतो.
बाकी सगळ्या गोष्टी बाजूला ठेव, पण, तू तुझ्या सौंदर्याच्या बदल्यात तू पैशांची अपेक्षा करत्येस. 'अ' ही व्यक्ती आपले सौंदर्य द्यायला तयार आहे, तर त्याबदल्यात 'ब'ने आपला पैसा द्यावा, अशी तुझी अपेक्षा आहे, असा हा व्यवहार आहे.
पण, इथे एक खूप मोठी समस्या आहे. कारण तुझं सौंदर्य काळाच्या ओघात नष्ट होईल. माझे पैसे मात्र कोणत्याही ठोस कारणांशिवाय जाणार नाहीत. सत्यस्थिती अशी आहे की, वर्षानुवर्ष माझं उत्पन्न वाढत जाईल, पण तू मात्र तशी सुंदर होत जाणार नाहीस.
म्हणून अर्थशास्त्रीय दृष्टीकोनातून पाहायचं झाल्यास ,मी मूल्यवर्धित मालमत्ता आहे, तर तुझं अवमूल्यन होत जाणार आहे. हे साधं अवमूल्यन नसेल, तर कधीही भरुन न निघणारं अवमूल्यन असेल, आणि तुझी हिच मालमत्ता असेल, तर मात्र १० वर्षांनी त्याची किंमत आणखी वाईट असेल.
वॉल स्ट्रिटच्या भाषेत बोलायचं झालं तर, व्यवहार करणाऱ्या प्रत्येक व्यक्तीची एक 'ट्रेडिंग पोझिशन' असते. तुला डेट करणं ही पण एक ट्रेडिंग पोझिशन आहे.
एखाद्या गोष्टीची व्यापारी किंमत घसरली, तर आम्ही ती वस्तू विकून टाकणे अथवा भाड्याने देणे ही चांगली कल्पना ठरते. तुला जर लग्न करायचं असेल, तर हाच युक्तिवाद लावला जाऊ शकतो.
हे सांगणं खरं तर योग्य वाटणार नाही, पण, योग्य निर्णय घ्यायचा झाला तर मात्र ज्या गोष्टीचं मोठ्या प्रमाणात अवमूल्यन होतं, ती गोष्ट एक तर विकून टाकावी किंवा 'भाड्याने' द्यावी.
ज्याचं कोणाचं वार्षिक उत्पन्न १०० कोटींपेक्षा जास्त आहे, तो नक्कीच मूर्ख नाही. आम्ही तुला फक्त डेट करू, पण तुझ्याशी लग्न नक्कीच करणार नाही.
मी तुला सल्ला देतो की, तू कोणत्याही श्रीमंत माणसाशी लग्न करण्याचा विचार सोडून दे. आणि हो, तू स्वतः कष्ट केलेस तर १०० कोटी रुपये स्वतः कमवू शकशील, असं करुन तू एखाद्या श्रीमंत मूर्खाशी लग्न करू शकतेस.
हे उत्तर तुझी मदत करेल अशी आशा आहे.
मुकेश अंबानी

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Here's An Amazing Tribe From The Amazon

Here's An Amazing Tribe From The Amazon, Which Breastfeeds Animals And Treats Them As Family

The story of this tribe is the real Jungle Book story. The Awa tribe residing in the Amazonian forests in east Brazil are on the verge of extinction. The tribe, which once numbered in the thousands, now stands at around only 300. It is probably the most endangered tribe in the world today.


The Awa tribe is known for their love for animals. In order to treat animals as their family members, they also breastfeed them like their own child till they become fully grown.

The animals then become ‘hanima’ and they are not killed for food. The tribe’s children make wild animals such as squirrels, armadillos as their family pets, which then help them in their daily chores such as cracking nuts and climbing trees.


The tribe is on the verge of extinction due to the illegal encroaching by settlers and commercialisation. It is due to the ranchers and loggers that their territory is being wiped out.

The tribe has absolutely no contact with the outside world. However, their fight for survival is one struggling story of hope and extinction.

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20 Rare Pictures From 1908

20 Rare Pictures From 1908 That Are The Best Flashback Of India You've Seen

India, about a hundred years ago, had a completely different story to tell. Our lives weren't really thriving under the British Raj, yet these pictures speak volumes about our culture, which has, somehow, over the course of time, gone missing. Reddit user ankitshekhawat helps us travel back to 1908 with this collection of pictures that make us wonder of what life back then could have been.

Would we ever want to go back? A million dollar question we might not have an answer to.
1. The jewel of India, the Taj Mahal. Pre-pollution. Pre-population. Pre-independence.

2. A Hindu bride and groom in, what is now known as, Mumbai.

3. Mt. Abu, seen like never before.

4. A 'busy' street in Delhi back then. Wonder how they'd describe a busy street in Delhi now.

5. Outside Christ Church in Shimla.

6. Holy men sitting by the Ganges in Benares.

7. The mosque of Jama Masjid

8. Indian mothers grinding flour at home.

9. Devotees bathing in a sacred well in Benares.

10. A native diving from a 50-foot tower in Fatehpur Sikri.

11. Bridges were a bit different back then. A British officer poses for the camera while crossing the Jhelum river on a bridge made of ropes.

12. The gorgeous temple of Dilwara.

13. Devotees offering their prayers at the temple of Elephanta.

14. The concept of animal cruelty was alien to us back then. People watch a bear perform in Jaipur.

15. The ride of the wealthy in Shimla.

16. An ox-cart carrying a physically challenged man in Kolkata.

17. Golden Temple, seen like never before.

18. State barge of the Maharaja awaiting Lady Curzon.

19. When did you last see Victoria Terminus as peaceful as in this picture?

20. Rishimuni doing penance at Mt. Abu in intense heat.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

11 Lessons From Lord Shiva You Can Apply To Your Life

There is a reason Shiva is called 'The Devo ke Dev-Mahadev'. The tranquil-looking lord can turn into a destroyer, and can also be a bholenath. He has multiple shades to his personality, and is one god who can truly teach us the wisdom to live life. Take a look at 11 lessons we can learn from him.

1. Come what may, you must never tolerate evil 


Lord Shiva was known as the destroyer of evil. He couldn't tolerate injustice and destroyed the evil rakshasas in a fair manner. Similarly, even we should try to keep zero tolerance for the evil happening around us and take a stand against injustice.

2. Self-control is the key to living life to the fullest


An uncontrolled mind can lead you to live a disastrous life. You cannot win battles when you lose focus and fall prey to your desires and addictions. Therefore, it’s necessary to keep your mind aligned to your goals and heart too.

3. Keep calm and carry on


Shiva was called a ‘Maha Yogi’ because he meditated for hours for the well-being of the universe. His calm state of mind was disturbed only due to extreme reasons, but otherwise he would always be in a meditative state of mind. Thus highlighting the fact that you can win half the battle just by being calm in a stressful situation. It's really the best strategy to sorting out a problem. 

4. Materialistic happiness never stays for long


Take a look at Shiva’s attire for a second. Only armed with a trishul and damru, Lord Shiva always stayed away from wealth. You’re missing out on nothing in life if you’re not attached to wealth and materialistic things. Because materialistic happiness is temporary. You need to find your happiness in events and experiences, and not things.

5. You must learn how to suppress negativity gracefully

lord shiva

Shiva was a ‘neelkanth’ because he swallowed poison named ‘halahala’, that emerged from the ocean. Only Shiva could have consumed this poison and suppressed it in his throat. The important lesson to take back from this incident is to take negativity in our stride, and turn it into positivity.

6. Desires lead to obsessions and obsessions lead to destruction

lord shiva

Since he was free from desires, Shiva never obsessed over things. It is a fact that desires always lead to obsessions, and these in turn make us self-destructive.

7. Respect your better half


Shiva was ‘Ardhanarishwar’, where half of him was Parvati. He treated Parvati with utmost respect and care. She was his ‘shakti’ and he gave her the importance she deserved. 

8. You must control your ego and let go off pride

lord shiva

Your ego is the only thing that prevents you from attaining greatness. It is your ego that comes between your goals and your dreams, and makes you a less loving person. It is said that Shiva carried his trishul to keep his ego in check. He never let his ego get the better of himself. On the other hand, nor did he tolerate anyone else’s ego.

9. Do thorough research on something you're likely to get into


The Ganga in Shiva’s hair symbolises the end of ignorance. This implies that you should know what you are getting into. Being in denial about facts is not going to help.

10. Understand that everything is temporary 


Maha yogis don’t fall for ‘moh maya’. They know that life is ephemeral and what happens today is not going to exist forever. Time changes and so do we. 

11. Dance

lord shiva

Lord Shiva is known as Nataraja or the King of Dance. Although his ‘tandav’ destroyed the world, it was also an art that passed on to us. 

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Who said what: World reacts as West Indies claim second World T20 title by beating England

Marlon Samuels
Cometh the hour, cometh the man for West Indies
A Man of the Match performance from Marlon Samuels helped West Indies become the first team to win the World T20 twice, as they beat England at Eden Gardens, Kolkata. After winning the toss and electing to field, they got off to a good start but England still posted 155.
Chasing 156, West Indies lost both openers early and looked in deep trouble. But Samuels’ unbeaten 85 helped them stay in contention and needing 19 runs off the last over, Carlos Brathwaite hit four successive sixes to seal the treble for West Indies,

Samuels’ message for Warne

Marlon Samuels is named Man of the Match for his unbeaten 85. He said: “I know about finals, when I come to finals, I turn up for the team. All respect to the England players, we want to move from strength to strength - this is for the Caribbean.
“If we get a good start, then I can step on it, we lose wickets early so it's different. I didn't say much other than swing and swing hard. This is for Shane Warne."
Carlos Brathwaite: "Want to give God thanks, that was an amazing knock from Marlon. He took responsibility and played a fantastic knock. Can't really express how much of a top knock that was. The U-19s did it, the girls did it, and now us."
West Indies captain Darren Sammy had a long speech prepared when he was called at the end. He said: "Firstly I want to thank the almighty. We have a pastor in the team in Andre Fletcher, we keep on praying. Really happy for this win, it's something we'll cherish for a long time. We have a few match winners, nobody gave us a chance, every game somebody stepped up - good to see Carlos play like that in his debut World Cup. Shows the T20 depth we have in the Caribbean, hopefully, we will continue to improve.
“People were wondering we would plays this tournament, we had issues with the board, Mark Nicholas called us players with no brain. But all of us came together, these 15 men put adversity aside, play this type of cricket in front of such passionate fans. It was tremendous. I want to thank the coaching team, Phil Simmons. We had a new manager in this tournament.
“Got to give credit to the entire team here. This is for all the fans in the Caribbean. I don't know when I'm going to be playing for West Indies again, I want to thank my team, thanks my coaching staff. This is for the CHAMPIONS!"
England captain Eoin Morgan: "I did, congratulations to the West Indies, they were better, Huge highs and lows for us. Never sure going into the final over. We were certainly in the game, put ourselves in a position to win the game. We didn't have enough runs on the board, it was a really good batting surface, maybe 180-90 was part.
“(On Ben Stokes) He's a fantastic bowler, he got two early wicket, the rebuilding allowed us to put something on the board and the bowlers got us close. We showed an immense amount of character in the tournament, not quite done enough to win it. I truly believe this is only the start of something special.
“It's not his fault, we're all in this together, we enjoy our wins - and the pain will be shared tonight."

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