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Saturday, September 24, 2016

भारत पाकिस्तानच्या सैन्य ताकदीची तुलना

भारत पाकिस्तानच्या सैन्य ताकदीची तुलना

नवी दिल्ली : उरी हल्ल्यानंतर भारत आणि पाकिस्तान यांच्यात तणावाचे वातावरण निर्माण झाले आहे. त्यामुळे आता पाकिस्तानावर थेट हल्ला करावा अशी मागणी भारतातून केली जात आहे. सित
भारताकडून पाकिस्तानची अनेक स्तरावर कोंडी करण्याचा प्रयत्न होत आहे. तर पाकिस्तान आपले कटकारस्थान अजून आखत आहेत.

या पार्श्वभूमीवर भारत आणि पाकिस्तानच्या सैन्य ताकदीचा घेतलेला हा आढावा


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ग्लोबल फायर पॉवर क्र.


संरक्षण बजेट

 ४ हजार कोटी डॉलर

७००  कोटी डॉलर

सैन्य दल 

२ कोटी २९ लाख सैनिक

४३ लाख ४५ हजार

सक्रीय सैनिक

१३ लाख २५ हजार सैनिक

६ लाख २० हजार

सक्रीय सैनिक रिझर्व 

२१ लाख ४३ 

५ लाख १५ हजार

सर्व प्रकारची सैनिकी विमाने

२०८६ (८०९लढाऊ,६७९ हल्ला करणारे) वाहतूक ८५७, सर्व्हिस विमाने ३४६

९२३ (३९४ लढाऊ, ३०४ हल्ला करणारे) वाहतूक २६१, सर्व्हिस विमाने १५१


६४६(१९ हल्ला करणारे)

३०६ ( ५२ हल्ला करणारे ) 










युद्ध नौका



विमान वाहतूक जहाज



सर्व प्रकारची सैनिकी विमाने

२०८६ (८०९लढाऊ,६७९ हल्ला करणारे) वाहतूक ८५७, सर्व्हिस विमाने ३४६

२०८६ (८०९लढाऊ,६७९ हल्ला करणारे) वाहतूक ८५७, सर्व्हिस विमाने ३४

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Monday, August 22, 2016

सचिन तेंडुलकर पी. व्ही सिंधुला देणार मोठी भेट

सचिन तेंडुलकर पी. व्ही सिंधुला देणार मोठी भेट

मुंबई : रिओ ऑलिम्पिकमध्ये इतिहास रचणारी बॅडमिंटन स्टार पी.व्ही सिंधुवर बक्षिस आणि पैशांचा वर्षाव होत आहे. अनेक राज्य सरकारांनी तिला बक्षिस जाहीर केलं आहे. भारताचा दिग्गज क्रिकेटर सचिन तेंडुलकरने देखील तिला एक बक्षिस जाहीर केलं आहे. 28 ऑगस्टला सिंधुला सचिन BMW कार भेट देणार आहे.
लंडन ऑलिम्पिकमध्ये ब्रॉन्ज पदक जिंकणाऱ्या सायना नेहवाल हिला देखील सचिनने कार भेट केली होती. याआधी २०१२ मध्ये अंडर-१९ चॅम्पियनशिप जिंकणाऱ्या सिंधुला सचिनने स्विफ्ट कार भेट केली होती.

सिंधुला दिली जाणारी ही BMW कार त्याचा मित्र आणि माजी क्रिकेटपटू व्ही. चामुंडेश्वरनाथ स्पॉन्सर करणार आहे. सिंधुने रिओ ऑलिम्पिकच्या बॅडमिंटन स्पर्धेमध्ये सिल्वर मेडल जिंकणारी ती पहिली भारतीय महिला खेळाडू ठरली आहे.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

RIO 2016: मेडल जीतने के बाद कोच को ही उठाकर पटका

RIO 2016: मेडल जीतने के बाद कोच को ही उठाकर पटका

रियो ओलम्पिक के दौरान पदक जीतने वाले खिलाड़ियों को आपने अलग-अलग अंदाज में खुशी मनाते देखा होगा. कुछ रोकर तो कुछ मुस्कुराते हुए और कुछ नाचते हुए खुशियां मनाते हैं लेकिन जापान की एक महिला पहलवान ने गोल्ड मेडल जीतने के बाद एक अलग अंदाज में ही अपनी खुशी का इजहार किया.

फ्रीस्टाइल स्पर्धा के 63 किलोग्राम भारवर्ग में रिसाको कावाई के गोल्ड मेडल जीतने पर जब उनके कोच काजुहितो साकाई पास पहुंचे तो बजाय गले मिलने के कावाई ने उन्हें वहीं मैट पर दो बार कुश्ती का दांव लगाते हुए पटक दिया.

कावाई ने अपने कोच को एक नहीं बल्कि दो बार पटका हालांकि दो पटखनिया देने के बाद कोच को अपने कंधों पर उठा लिया और जीत का जश्न मनाया.

कावाई ने फाइनल मुकाबले में बेलारूस की मारिया मामाशुक को मात देकर यह गोल्ड मेडल हासिल किया.

रियो ओलम्पिक के दौरान कावाई के जश्न मनाने का यह अंदाज सोशल नेटवर्क भी छा गया और सबसे जश्न मनाने का सबसे विचित्र अलग के रूप में चर्चित हुआ.

खुशी से पागल कावाई ने बाद में बताया कि उन्होंने पहले ही कोच से इस बारे में कह दिया था और यह पूर्व नियोजित था.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

विधान परिषद बिनविरोध

विधान परिषद बिनविरोध

काँग्रेसचे ज्येष्ठ नेते नारायण राणे
काँग्रेसचे ज्येष्ठ नेते नारायण राणे

मुंबई : भाजपाकडून प्रसाद लाड आणि अपक्ष मनोज कोटक यांनी अर्ज मागे घेतल्यामुळे विधान परिषदेची निवडणूक अखेर बिनविरोध झाली. गेल्या दोन वर्षांत दोनदा पराभवाला सामोरे गेलेले काँग्रेसचे ज्येष्ठ नेते नारायण राणे यांचा मागच्या दाराने का होईना, विधिमंडळात प्रवेश झाला.
परिषदेच्या दहा जागांसाठी बारा अर्ज दाखल झाल्यामुळे घोडेबाजार होणार, अशी अटकळ होती. भाजपाचे पाच जण निवडून येणार असताना पक्षाने सहा उमेदवार दिले, तर भाजपाचेच मनोज कोटक यांनी बंडखोरी करत अपक्ष अर्ज दाखल केल्याने या निवडणुकीत चुरस निर्माण झाली. काँग्रेस-राष्ट्रवादीच्या आमदारांत खिंडार पाडण्यासाठीच भाजपाने चाल खेळल्याची चर्चा होती. मात्र, ‘निष्ठावंत की उपरे’ या वादामुळे नाराजांच्या नाकदुऱ्या काढता काढता भाजपा नेत्यांच्या नाकीनऊ आले होते. प्रवीण दरेकर आणि आर. एन. सिंह यांच्या उमेदवारीला निष्ठावंत कार्यकर्त्यांचा तीव्र विरोध होता. परंतु, मुंबई महापालिका निवडणुकीसाठी दरेकर आणि उत्तर भारतीयांचे नेते सिंह हे पक्षाला ‘मायलेज’ देऊ शकतात, ही बाब मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस आणि प्रदेशाध्यक्ष रावसाहेब दानवे यांनी नाराजांच्या गळी उतरविल्याने अखेर प्रसाद लाड आणि मनोज कोटक यांनी आपली उमेदवारी मागे घेतली. त्यामुळे आता विधानपरिषदेच्या दहा जागांसाठी दहाच उमेदवार राहिल्याने ही निवडणूक बिनविरोध झाली आहे. अधिकृत घोषणा १२ जून रोजी करण्यात येईल.

नारायण राणेंच्या ‘एन्ट्री’ने कॉंग्रेसला बळ गेल्या दोन वर्षांत सलग दोनदा पराभवाला सामोरे गेलेले काँग्रेसचे आक्रमक नेते नारायण राणे यांचे या निवडणुकीतून विधान परिषदेत आगमन झाल्याने पक्षाचे बळ वाढले असून, सत्ताधारी पक्षासमोर मोठे आव्हान निर्माण झाले आहे. २०१४च्या लोकसभा निवडणुकीत राणे यांचे चिरंजीव नीलेश राणे यांचा शिवसेनेचे विनायक राऊत यांनी पराभव केला, तर त्यानंतर झालेल्या विधानसभा निवडणुकीत स्वत: राणे कुडाळ मतदारसंघातून सेनेच्या वैभव नाईक यांच्याकडून पराभूत झाले. हे दोन्ही पराभव
पचवून राणे पुन्हा वांद्रे मतदारसंघातील पोटनिवडणुकीत उतरले; पण तिथेही त्यांचा निभाव लागला नाही. शिवसेनेचे प्रकाश उर्फ बाळा सावंत यांच्या पत्नी तृप्ती सावंत यांनी राणेंचा पराभव करून सर्वांनाच आश्चर्याचा धक्का दिला.राणे यांना प्रशासनाचा चांगला अनुभव आहे. शिवाय, आपल्या आक्रमक स्वभावामुळे ते सरकारला सळो की पळो करून सोडू शकतात.

सदाभाऊ खोत
विनायक मेटे
प्रवीण दरेकर
आर. एन. सिंह
सुजितसिंह ठाकूर
सुभाष देसाई
दिवाकर रावते

नारायण राणे
रामराजे नाईक निंबाळकर
धनंजय मुंडे

Fraud Charges Mar a Plan

Fraud Charges Mar a Plan to Aid a Struggling Vermont Region

An entire block was razed in Newport, Vt., more than a year ago in the expectation of a new “renaissance” development that was promised by two businessmen but has yet to materialize; the businessmen have been accused of “massive fraud.” Credit Jacob Hannah for The New York Times
An entire block was razed in Newport, Vt., more than a year ago in the expectation of a new “renaissance” development that was promised by two businessmen but has yet to materialize; the businessmen have been accused of “massive fraud.” Credit Jacob Hannah for The New York Times

NEWPORT, Vt. — Jo-Ann Brooks grimaced as she looked out the window of her jewelry store in this tiny town in northern Vermont, near the Canadian border. Across Main Street, an entire block of shops and apartments was razed more than a year ago in the expectation of a new “renaissance” development that has yet to materialize. In its place is a gaping hole, with old concrete cellars.

“We call it Little Beirut,” Ms. Brooks said. “It looks like it was bombed.”

The hole is a visual monument to the failed plans of two ambitious businessmen who vowed to revitalize this struggling region, known as the Northeast Kingdom. With an $850 million dream, they promised the biggest economic development in Vermont history. They planned to finance it through a federal program that allows wealthy foreign citizens to invest $500,000 in projects in distressed areas in return for green cards, leading to permanent residency in the United States.

Instead, the two have been accused of perpetrating the biggest fraud in Vermont history — as well as in the history of that federal visa program, known as EB-5.

The businessmen, Ariel Quiros and William Stenger, raised $350 million through the EB-5 program from hundreds of foreign investors from at least 74 countries. The money was intended for an array of projects, including a ski resort, hotels and a biotech research firm. Instead, according to a 52-count civil complaint filed last month by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission and a 15-count civil complaint filed by the State of Vermont, they engineered a “massive eight-year fraudulent scheme” in which they “systematically looted” millions of dollars out of the foreign investors.

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The complaints said the two used a “Ponzi-like” scheme to divert $200 million intended for future projects into a dizzying swirl of fraudulent accounts set up to try to keep earlier projects afloat. Some were completed, others were not. In addition, Mr. Quiros was accused of siphoning off $50 million for his personal use, which included buying a luxury condominium in Trump Place New York.

The S.E.C. said the two left a trail of debt. Their actions have jeopardized the immigration status of their investors, who are already in the United States, and have thrown into doubt the future of the visa program. And they have left the promise of a revitalized Newport unfulfilled, having failed to rebuild the “renaissance” block on Main Street, the biotech firm and a hotel, marina and conference center.Photo

Felipe Accioly Vieira, 50, a business analyst who moved his family to Vermont from Brazil in 2013, invested in townhouses at Jay Peak that are half finished through a federal program that allows foreign nationals to invest in projects in return for green cards. CreditJacob Hannah for The New York Times

Beyond that, the state’s top officials, including Senators Patrick J. Leahy and Bernie Sanders and Gov. Peter Shumlin, supported and promoted the program. Mr. Leahy and Mr. Shumlin have said they felt betrayed; Mr. Sanders has not commented.Continue reading the main story

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In court papers, Mr. Quiros, 58, of Key Biscayne, Fla., and Mr. Stenger, 66, of Newport, denied the allegations. And in an interview, Mr. Stenger defended the work that has been finished, like parts of a high-end ski resort at nearby Jay Peak, and expressed regret about what remains unfinished, notably the biotech firm. A federal court has appointed areceiver to take possession of all property and assets, which he may sell off.

The allegations against Mr. Stenger particularly stung people here because they had known him for decades as a friend and civic-minded neighbor. He was not accused of siphoning money for his personal use, but the S.E.C. said he “extremely recklessly ceded control of investor funds to Quiros” and “did almost nothing to manage investor money, even when confronted with red flags of Quiros’ misuse.”

In an email interview, Mr. Stenger said he could not discuss the specific allegations against him. But in his most extensive comments yet on the situation, he said he knew he had let people down.

“Betrayal is a strong term, and I understand the disappointment because I’m terribly disappointed not to be able to finish the work I started,” he said. Still, he said, the projects have generated 6,500 direct and indirect jobs of the 10,000 he promised for rural Orleans County, the poorest in the state. He estimated that 650 of nearly 800 investors already have or would get their green cards.

“I’m terribly upset that some of these folks could be at risk,” he said, adding that he was seeking to make them financially whole.Video
Green Cards for Vermont’s Kingdom

By Brent McDonald on Publish DateDecember 30, 2012. Watch in Times Video »

He said his “biggest heartbreak” was the failure to build the biotech firm, called AnC Bio, which the S.E.C. said was “nearly a complete fraud.”

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“The community of Newport was fully supportive, and I feel I’ve let them down,” Mr. Stenger said.

Mr. Leahy, a longtime Stenger backer, has been one of the biggest supporters of the EB-5 program, seeing it as an important tool for economic development. Indeed, it is working successfully in other projects in Vermont. But because of fraud in the program elsewhere, he was already pushing for an overhaul. Now, he says unless fundamental changes are made, “EB-5 will die, and it should die.”

Mr. Shumlin deflected questions about whether state officials, by participating in the marketing campaign and not being skeptical sooner, bore some responsibility for the fraud. Until 2014, one state agency was responsible for both promoting the EB-5 program and regulating it. In addition, according to VTDigger, an online news organization, Mr. Shumlin accompanied the developers abroad to recruit investors and appeared in a promotional video for Mr. Stenger in which he said the projects were audited, though they were not; Mr. Shumlin has said that he misspoke regarding the audit and the video was taken down.

“There isn’t a human being on this earth, when you go through a disappointment like this, that doesn’t ask, ‘Couldn’t something have been done to find this sooner?’ ” Mr. Shumlin said in an interview. “We all wish the answer were yes, we all wish we got subpoena power to look at accounts earlier. But there was no reason to believe that what the developers were representing wasn’t true.”

But others say the state was lax in pursuing hints of trouble, in part because officials trusted Mr. Stenger and had high hopes that the development could stimulate the economy.Photo

The hole is a visual monument to the failed plans of two ambitious businessmen who promised to revitalize this struggling region, known as the Northeast Kingdom. Credit Jacob Hannah for The New York Times

Michael Gibson, an EB-5 financial adviser based in Florida, which specializes in risk analysis and due diligence on EB-5 investments, shared emails with The New York Times showing that he, for one, had raised questions with state officials as early as 2009.

“I didn’t know there was a Ponzi scheme or fraud,” Mr. Gibson said. “But I had suspicions that they couldn’t repay their initial investors and that they were taking investor money to pay for ongoing operations. And everyone told me to bug off.”

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Many of the immigrant investors — about 400 of whom do not yet have permanent residency feel stranded, financially and because they could face deportation. One has already filed a class-action suit.

Mohammed Adil, 49, an Indian who runs a fashion retail company and who wanted his four daughters to be educated in the United States, said he invested $550,000 in Jay Peak in 2012.

“I thought, if the government is giving out visas, there must be checks and balances on this program,” he said. “Now we have ended up in the soup, our money is probably gone and our green card is in trouble.”

Similarly, Felipe Vieira, 50, a financial analyst who moved his family to Vermont from Brazil in 2013, invested in townhouses at Jay Peak that are half finished. His chief concern is staying in the United States.

“Going back would feel like an enormous personal failure,” he said.

Even as they contemplate financial losses, some investors said they might put more money into the unfinished projects; creating at least 10 jobs is a condition of obtaining a green card.

“The investors don’t want to liquidate; they want these jobs to continue so they can get their green cards,” Mr. Shumlin said. Noting that Jay Peak plans to stay open and pay its employees, he added, “In two years, this will look like a bump in the road to good jobs and great resorts.”

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खडसेंचे सीडीआर कोणाच्या सांगण्यावरून काढले?

महसूल मंत्री एकनाथ खडसे
जळगाव/ मुंबई : जळगावात कोणतीही चौकशी अथवा गुन्हा दाखल झालेला नसताना पोलीस अधीक्षक डॉ.जालिंदर सुपेकर यांनी महसूमंत्री एकनाथराव खडसे यांचे मोबाईल फोनचे रेकॉर्ड (सीडीआर) कोणाच्या सांगण्यावरून काढले,असा सवाल करत एटीएसकडून स्टेटमेंटसाठी आपल्यावर दबाव येत असल्याचा आरोप एथिकल हॅकर मनीष भंगाळे याने केला. दाऊदच्या निवासस्थानावरुन खडसेंना आलेल्या कॉल्सची माहिती दाखवून त्याचा डेमो सादर केला. दाऊदच्या पत्नीच्या क्रमांकावरून खडसेंच्या मोबाईलवर सात वेळा संभाषण झाले आहे. यावेळी मार्च व एप्रिलचे बील त्याने दाखविले. जिल्हाधिकाऱ्यांची भेट घेऊन त्यांच्याकडे लेखी तक्रार केल्याचे भंगाळे याने सांगितले.

रक्षा खडसेंनी घेतली मोदींची भेट

महसूल मंत्री एकनाथ खडसे यांच्या स्नुषा आणि रावेरच्या खासदार रक्षा खडसे

यांनीही गुरुवारी पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांची भेट घेतली, अशी माहिती आहे. आपल्या सासऱ्यांविरुद्ध कोण लोक काम करीत आहेत हे त्यांनी मोदींच्या कानी घातल्याचे समजते.

ई-मेलचा पासवर्ड बदलण्याचा प्रयत्न

गेल्या तीन दिवसापासून दररोज रात्री दहा वाजता माझ्या ई-मेल आयडीचा पासवर्ड बदलण्याचा प्रयत्न कोणाकडून तरी केला जात आहे. याबाबत मी मुंबई पोलिसांना विचारणा केली असता आमच्याकडून असा प्रयत्न होत नाही. गरज वाटेल तेव्हा आम्ही तुमच्याकडून हा पासवर्ड घेऊ शकतो, असे उत्तर मला देण्यात

आले. एकूण तांत्रिक पुरावे नष्ट करण्याचा हा प्रयत्न असल्याचे भंगाळे म्हणाला.कृषीमंत्री म्हणून मला शेतकऱ्यांच्या प्रश्नांवर लक्ष केंद्रीत करू द्या. विरोधकांकडून नियोजनबद्धपणे माझ्यावर खोटे आरोप केले जात आहेत. बिनबुडाच्या आरोपांना मी उत्तर देणार नाही. प्रसारमाध्यमांनी मला शेतकऱ्यांसाठी प्रामाणिकपणे काम करू द्यावे, असे माझे आवाहन आहे.

- एकनाथ खडसे, महसूलमंत्री

आंतरराष्ट्रीय कॉल्सचे प्रकरण देशाशी निगडित विषय असताना, खडसे हे केवळ मंत्री व सत्ताधारी पक्षाचे असल्याने त्यांच्यावर कारवाईस विलंब होत आहे. तसेच जळगावचे पोलीस अधीक्षक जालिंदर सुपेकर यांनी देशहिताच्या दृष्टिकोनातून सीडीआर काढले असते तर मग एकट्या खडसेंचेच का? अन्य चार जणांचे का काढले नाही, असा सवाल भंगाळे याने केला.

>> खडसे-दानवे भेट झालीच नाही !

जालना : जमीन खरेदी प्रकरण व इतर आरोपांमुळे अडचणीत आलेले महसूलमंत्री एकनाथ खडसे यांना भाजपाध्यक्ष अमित शहा यांनी प्रदेशाध्यक्ष रावसाहेब दानवे यांची भेट घेण्यास सांगितले होते. त्यानुसार शुक्रवारी सकाळी खडसे हे खा. दानवे यांची भेट घेणार होते. मात्र आरोग्याच्या कारणास्तव खडसे यांनी भेट न घेता दानवे यांच्याशी दूरध्वनीवरून चर्चा केल्याचे सूत्रांनी सांगितले. एकनाथ खडसे यांच्यावरील आरोपांबाबतचा अहवाल पक्षश्रेष्ठींनी मुख्यमंत्र्यांकडून मागविला होता. मुख्यमंत्री फडणवीस यांनी तो सादर केल्यानंतर अमित शहा यांनी खडसे यांना खा.दानवे यांची भेट घेण्यास सांगितले होते.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

05 April 2016 Current Affairs

05 April 2016 Current Affairs

PM Narendra Modi Launched ‘Stand Up India’ Scheme

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 5 April launched the ‘Stand up India’ scheme as part of the government’s efforts to support entrepreneurship among women and SC & ST communities. Prime Minister also inaugurated a Kaushal Kendra (Skilling Center) under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana in Noida. The Scheme is intended to facilitate at least two projects per bank branch, on an average one for each category of entrepreneur. It is expected to benefit at least 2.5 lakh borrowers within 36 months. It provides for refinance window through Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) with an initial amount of 10000 crore rupees. It will create credit guarantee mechanism through the National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC).

Suresh Prabhu Flags Off India’s Fastest Train Gatiman Express

Union Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on 5 April flagged off the Gatiman Express which is the India’s first Semi-High Speed Train (SHST) with a capability of running at a maximum speed of 160 KMPH and runs between H. Nizamuddin to Agra, at the Hazrat Nizammuddin Railway Station in New Delhi. The train completed its maiden journey from Delhi to Agra in 100 minutes as compared to about 2-3 hours that other trains take to cover the distance.The Gatimaan Express, which is indigenously built, will run six days a week, except Friday, in both directions. The train runs at a speed of 160 km per hour, covering the 184 kilometre distance between Delhi and Agra in 105-110 minutes. In October 2014, the India Railways applied for safety certificate from Commission of Railway Safety to start the service. In June 2015, the train was announced officially and numbered 12049/50. Besides, the Gatimaan Express provides free Wi-fi to its passengers. Also, the train will have stewards and hostesses on the lines of flight attendants.

RBI cuts Repo Rate by 25 Basis Points To 6.5%

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cut down repo rate by 25 basis points to 6.5 percent from 6.75 per cent, with immediate effect. It was announced in the first bi-monthly monetary policy review of the RBI for the 2016-17 fiscal. First bi-monthly monetary policy for the 2016-17 says Repo rate: RBI has reduced the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) by 25 basis points from 6.75 per cent to 6.5 per cent. It is the rate at which RBI lends to the financial system. Cash reserve ratio (CRR): RBI has unchanged CRR and kept it at 4.0 per cent of net demand and time liabilities (NDTL). Reverse repo rate: RBI has adjusted (hiked) reverse repo rate under the LAF to 6 per cent.

Researchers Create World’s Smallest Diode

A single-molecule diode, the world’s smallest, has been created by a team of researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and the University of Georgia. The breakthrough could impact the development of molecular electronic devices. The nanoscale diode or molecular rectifier operates like a valve to facilitate electronic current flow in one direction. A collection of these nanoscale diodes, or molecules, contains properties that resemble traditional electronic components, such as a wire, transistor or rectifier.

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

04 April 2016 Current Affairs

04 April 2016 Current Affairs

Mehbooba Mufti Sworn In As First Woman CM of J&K

Mehbooba Mufti of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) was on 4 April sworn in as the Chief Minister (CM) of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). She was administered oath to the office by Governor NN Vohra at Raj Bhawan in the winter capital city of Jammu. With this, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti became the first woman CM of J&K. Bharathiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator Nirmal Singh took oath as Deputy Chief Minister. Mufti, the daughter of PDP founder Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is the second Muslim woman to become the Chief Minister of a state in India. Syeda Anwara Taimur was the first Muslim woman CM in Assam in 1980 and continued to hold the chair till 30 June 1981.

Bengaluru’s IISC Tops India’s Best University List

“The Union Minister for Human Resource Development Smriti Zubin Irani on 4 April released the India Rankings 2016 under National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in New Delhi. The Indian Institute of Science at Bengaluru (IISc) in Karnataka has been ranked the best in university category of ‘India Ranking 2016′ by the union HRD ministry. The Institute Of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, follows in second place. Jawaharlal Nehru University was ranked third, followed by the University of Hyderabad and Tezpur University, Assam. The Indian Institute of Management in Bengaluru was ranked the top management institute while Indian Institute of Technology-Madras was the top engineering institute in India. The Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Manipal in Karnataka topped among the pharmacy (research and teaching) institutes, followed by the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Chandigarh and Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. NIRF Survey was the first of its kind of indigenous ranking framework for higher education institutions in the country. NIRF ranking covers six categories of institutions including universities, engineering, management, pharmacy, architecture and colleges.”

New Planet with Triple-Star System Found

A research team of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics published a paper in The Astronomical Journal on 4 February 2016 on their findings of a stable orbit planet with a triple-star system. The team described how they came to see that a binary system once thought to be a single star, was actually a pair of stars orbiting one another, and how that led to the revelation of the triple-star system.

Philippines Launches World’s First Public Immunization Program For Dengue

The Philippines on 4 April launched the first public immunization program for dengue fever, seeking to administer to a million school children the world’s first licensed vaccine against a mosquito-borne disease that the World Health Organization estimates infects 390 million people a year globally. Mexico was first country in the world to approve first-ever Dengvaxia Dengue fever vaccine for the public use and Philippines was the first county in Asia to allow it. However with the launch of first public dengue vaccination programme, Philippines became first country to introduce, adopt and implement the first-ever dengue vaccine through the public health system and under public school settings.

Union Government Notified new Hazardous Waste Management Rules

Union Environment Ministry released the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016. The new rule for management of hazardous wastes was released by Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Prakash Javadekar. This is the first time that the rules distinguish difference between hazardous and other wastes. The other wastes include waste tyre, paper waste, metal scrap, used electronic items, etc. and are recognized as a resource for recycling and reuse. These resources supplement the industrial processes and reduce the load on the virgin resource of the country.

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03 April 2016 Current Affairs

03 April 2016 Current Affairs

India and Saudi Arabia signed 5 MoUs

India and Saudi Arabia on 3 April signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under which both nations agreed to exchange intelligence related to money laundering, terrorism financing and related crimes. The MoU, which was signed between Financial Intelligence Units of both countries, was one of the five MoUs concluded during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the nation. The other MoUs include an agreement on labour cooperation between the Ministry of Labour of Saudi Arabia and Indian Ministry of External Affairs for the recruitment of general category workers. Besides, an MoU was also concluded on technical cooperation program between the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO). Another MoU was signed in the field executive program for cooperation in the field of handicrafts between Indian Export Promotion Council for Handicraft (EPCH) and Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. An understanding to create a framework for Investment Promotion Cooperation between India and the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) was also concluded.

PM Narendra Modi Conferred Saudi Arabia’s Highest Civilian Honour

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on 3 April conferred Saudi Arabia’s highest civilian honour- the King Abdulaziz Sash. The prestigious award was bestowed upon Indian Prime Minister by incumbent Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz at the Royal Court. The award has been named after Abdulaziz Al Saud, the founder of the modern Saudi state. The award is bestowed upon citizens of Saudi Arabia and foreigners for meritorious service to the Saudi Kingdom. King himself makes awards to foreigners. World leaders who have received the honour include US President Barack Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Novak Djokovic and Azarenka Won 2016 Miami Open Titles

“* Men’s Singles – Novak Djokovic of Serbia has won the 2016 Miami Open Title in the men’s singles category on 3 April 2016. In the final match played on outdoor hard courts at the Tennis Centre at Crandon Park Florida, US, he defeated Kei Nishikori (Japan). It was his third consecutive and overall sixth ATP Miami Open title, equalling Andre Agassi’s Miami record total. It was also his record 28th career ATP Masters title.
* Women’s Singles – Victoria Azarenka (Belarus) won the 2016 Miami Open Title in the women’s singles category. In the final match she defeated Svetlana Kuznetsova (Russia) by 6–3, 6–2 score. It was her third Miami Open Title.”

Nico Roseberg Won 2016 Bahrain Grand Prix 

Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg from Germany has won the 2016 Gulf Air Formula One Bahrain Grand Prix held at Bahrain International Circuit in Manama on 3 March. Bahrain Grand Prix title race was the second race of the 2016 season of Formula One in which total 11 teams had participated. It was Rosberg’s overall sixteenth championship title of F1 in his career and the second win in the 2016.

West Indies Won ICC T-20 Cricket World Cup

“West Indies has won the ICC Cricket World Men’s T-20 Cup 2016 by defeating England by 4 wickets in the final match on 3 April played at Eden Gardens, Kolkata. With this win, West Indies became the only team to win the ICC World Twenty20 title twice. Earlier it had won its first title in 2012 by defeating Sri Lanka.
Player of the match – Marlon Samuels (West Indies).
Player of the series – Virat Kohli (India).”

West Indies Won Women’s Title of World T20 

“West Indies Women’s on 3 April won their maiden Women’s Cricket World T-20 title. In the final clash at Eden Gardens, Kolkata, West Indies defeated reigning champions Australia by 8 wickets.
* Player of the match – Hayley Matthews (West Indies Women
* Player of the series – Stafanie Taylor (West Indies Women)”

World’s First White Tiger Safari In Madhya Pradesh

Union Minister for Environment and Forests Prakash Javdekar on 3 April inaugurated a White Tiger Safari at Mukundpur in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh. The Safari is situated adjacent to the Mukundpur Zoo which is spread over 75 hectares. The first of its kind safari has cost 50 crore rupees and is spread over an area of 25 hectares. With its inauguration, the safari houses three white tigers, including one male named Raghu and two females named Vindhya and Radha.

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02 April 2016 Current Affairs

02 April 2016 Current Affairs

Tran Dai Quang Elected Vietnam’s new President

The National Assembly (NA) of Vietnam on 2 April elected Tran Dai Quang as the country’s president in capital Hanoi. Quang has been elected and sworn in as the president with 452 yes votes out of 481 valid ballots at the ongoing 11th session of the 13th NA.Prior to the election, Quang has been serving as Vietnamese Minister of Public Security from 2011.A resolution on electing Quang as Vietnamese President was later adopted by the NA.

India Ranks 6th In 2015 Top-10 Manufacturers List

India has been ranked sixth among the world’s Top-Ten largest manufacturing countries in the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) 2015 Yearbook report. In this edition of report India has jumped by three positions to sixth position compared to earlier ninth position in the previous report.

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

30 March 2016 Current Affairs

30 March 2016 Current Affairs

Bihar Assembly Passes Liquor Ban Bill

The Bihar Assembly on 30 March unanimously passed the Bihar Excise (Amendment) Bill 2016 to enforce the ban on country made liquor from 1 April 2016. The 1915 liquor Bill was amended to incorporate stricter penal provisions, including death sentence, for manufacturers and distributors of illicit liquor in the event of a hooch tragedy.

4,000 Indian Millionaires Shifted Overseas In 2015

According to a report by New World Wealth,India has seen the fourth biggest outflow of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) globally in 2015 with shifting of 4,000 millionaires overseas. Some 4,000 uber-rich Indians have changed their domicile in 2015, while France saw the maximum outflow of millionaires with as many as 10,000 super rich leaving the country. In terms of countries ranked by millionaires outflow, France was followed by China in the second place with 9,000 millionaires leaving the country while for Italy, at third position, the figure stood at 6,000.

PM Narendra Modi Unveiled Asia’s Largest Optical Telescope 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel on 30 March remotely launched Asia’s biggest telescope, the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES) which is located at Devasthal near Nainital in Uttarakhand. The telescope is the product of an Indo-Belgian collaborative effort and was assisted by the Russian Academy of Sciences. It will replace Vainu Bappu Observatory in Kavalur, Tamil Nadu to be Asia’s largest ground-based optical telescope. The ARIES optical telescope has mirror of 3.6 m diameter. The telescope facility has been incorporated with high end technology which enables it to be operated with the help of remote control from anywhere in the world.

Myanmar’s Htin Kyaw Sworn In As president

Htin Kyaw on 30 March sworn in as the first elected civilian (non-military) President of Myanmar after 53 years of military rule. Myanmar’s Army was in power since 1962 coup. He belongs to National League for Democracy (NLD) Party and succeeds Thein Sein, who had stepped down after end of five years of army-backed rule. Apart from him, Military backed Myint Swe and NLD member Henry Van Thio were sworn in as first vice-president and second vice-president of the country along 18 Cabinet ministers. Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi who is the leader of NLD party that has majority in the Parliament was sworn in as foreign affairs Minister. She also is Minister of President’s office, education, and energy and electric power. Htin Kyaw is a close aide and adviser of Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. He was as the first civilian President of the country by the Myanmar’s 

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29 March 2016 Current Affairs

29 March 2016 Current Affairs

US museum Returns 10th century Rama statue To Cambodia

United States returned an ancient decapitated statue of Hindu god Rama stolen from Cambodia during the South East Asian country’s civil war in the 70s. The sandstone Torso of Rama statue, which stands 157 centimetres tall and is missing its head, arms and feet, was formally handed over at a ceremony in Phnom Penh attended by government officials, the US ambassador and the director of the Denver Museum of Art. In May last year, a 10th century stone statue of Hanuman was returned to Cambodia by the Cleveland Museum of Art. In January, a 7th century stone sculpture of Harihara, a deity that combines aspects of Vishnu and Shiva, was returned by France and reattached to its body for display at a museum in Phnom Penh, more than 130 years after it was spirited away.

“Union Govt Permits 100 percent FDI In e-commerce”

Union Government on 29 March permitted 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) under the automatic route for retail trading, or B2C (business-to-consumer) transactions, in the marketplace model of e-commerce. At present, 100% FDI is permitted in B2B (business-to-business) transactions under the automatic route. This notification has been long-awaited by e-commerce firms, such as Flipkart Ltd, Snapdeal and Amazon India, and brick-and-mortar companies. The notification is expected to redefine the way online retail is done in India.

Haryana Assembly Passed Jat quota Bill

The Haryana Assembly on 29 March passed the Haryana Backward Classes (Reservation in Services and Admission in Educational Institutions) Bill, 2016 to provide reservation for Jats and four other communities in government jobs and education. Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar moved the Bill in the House to give statutory status to Backward classes Block ‘A’, Backward classes Block ‘B’ and Backward classes Block ‘C’ — by enacting the Haryana Backward Classes (Reservation in Services and Admission in Educational Institutions) Act, 2016 and requested the Central government to include this Act in 9th Schedule read with Article 31B of the Constitution of India.

Singer P.Susheela Enters Guinness World Records

Legendary playback singer P. Susheela Mohan created a new world record for singing highest number of songs. She has now been recognised by both the Guinness Book of World Records for singing most number of songs in Indian languages. Guinness Book of World Records officially credited her for singing record 17,695 songs (solo, duet and chorus backed songs) in twelve Indian languages. Asia Book of Records also has recognised her for singing close to 17, 330 songs. It bestowed certificate and a badge of honour to the singer for the most number of single studio recordings. She has five National Awards to her credit, besides the coveted Padma Bhushan honour, which was presented to her in 2008.

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28 March 2016 Current Affairs

28 March 2016 Current Affairs

Defence Expo 2016 

“India’s biggest ever land, naval and homeland security exhibition Defence Expo 2016 began in Goa. The four-day biennial event was inaugurated by the Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar. This for the first time, the Expo is being held outside the national capital New Delhi. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on 28 March unveiled Defence Procurement Policy during the ninth edition ​of Defence Expo India-2016. The 2016 theme is “Rise of Futurism” and its vision is to make India prosperous by establishing world class science and technology base in defence sector.”

BHEL Commissions 40 MW Hydropower Plant In West Bengal

Power equipment manufacturer Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) has commissioned the second 40 MW hydropower generating unit at the Teesta low dam hydro electric project (HEP) stage IV in West Bengal. The hydropower generating unit was successfully installed at the Teesta low dam HEP, a run-of-the-river greenfield project, located in Darjeeling district of the West Bengal.

“First Direct Container Between India and Bangladesh Flagged Off “

The first direct container MV Harbour-1 Vessel between India and Bangladesh carrying cotton was flagged off from Krishnapatnam of Andhra Pradesh to Chittagong on 28 March.The voyage was started as a part of a coastal shipping agreement to facilitate trade between India and Bangladesh. The trade agreements were earlier signed during the reign of the then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1974 and they were revived back after a period of four decades during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Dhaka in June 2015.

USAID and ADB Signed ‘Develop Solar Parks’ MoU

“The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on 28 March signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate 848 million US dollars in funding to develop solar parks across India. The agreement was signed by Jonathan Addleton, Mission Director, USAID/India and M. Teresa Kho, Country Director, India Resident Mission, Asian Development Bank. This agreement between USAID and ADB will help finance the development of solar parks in support of the Government of India’s renewable energy targets.”

Union Govt Notifies Aadhaar Act, 2016

The Union Government has notified the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, benefits and services) Act, 2016. The Act will provide statutory backing for transfer of subsidies and benefits to eligible people having Aadhaar (UID) number. Aadhaar Act seeks to provide efficient, transparent and targeted delivery of subsidies, benefits and services to individuals residing in India by assigning them unique identity numbers (UID) or Aadhaar number. It will be used for all benefit that will be linked to consolidated fund of India or the expenditure incurred from it. The Act gives statutory for establishment of the Unique Identification Authority of India consisting of a Chairperson (part time or full time) and two Members (part time). Those individuals not having Aadhaar number shall be offered alternate and viable means of identification for delivery of the subsidies, benefits or service.

AP Govt Inaugurates Country’s First Lift Irrigation Project

Andhra Pradesh government on 28 March inaugurated Pattiseema lift irrigation project, which is described as the first river linking project in country, connecting Godavari River with Krishna River from the ongoing Polavaram Multi-purpose Irrigation Project. The project was  awarded to Hyderabad-based Megha Engineering and Infrastructure Limited (MEIL) and completed in a record time of one year. The project has been designed to lift 80 tmc (trillion metric cubic feet) of flood water in a span of 110 days during the flooding season between July and October from Godavari as permitted by the Godavari Water Dispute Tribunal (GWDT). From this project, water is pumped up to a nearby point and discharged into Polavaram Right Main Canal, which carry water by gravity to a tributary of River Krishna about 170 km away in the neighbouring Krishna district above the Prakasham barrage.

ISRO set To Launch Record 22 Satellites In Single Mission

“India is all set to script history by launching a record number of 22 satellites, including a number of micro and nano ones from foreign countries, in a single mission in May 2016.These satellites (micro and nano) will be launched using ISRO’s workhorse Polar rocket PSLV C34. It will be carrying India’s Cartosat 2C along with 21 other satellites from other countries, including US, Canada, Indonesia and Germany as co-passengers. This launch would be made from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota. Earlier in 2008, ISRO had sent ten satellites into orbit in a single mission. The US space agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) holds current world record for sending highest number of satellites in single launch. It had sent 29 satellites to the orbit in a single launch in 2013.”

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